10 March 2009

A letter sent to Pres. Obama and my Senators and Representative

March 10th, 2009

While I may be far from being a political socialist or even a liberal Democrat (as a devout Christian, I cannot support the liberal's stance on abortion, for example), for the same reason I believe that Americans should be willing to fund a program ensuring that everyone can have access to health care--because to do otherwise is not merely unChristian, but also bad politics.
The funds which we don't spend on preventive health care for the poor we end up spending on far more costly emergency care and/or serious health problems later on. The untreated poor infect the insured middle-class and wealthy, thus ensuring that all of our health care premiums continue torise. The single mom whose job doesn't provide insurance, or sufficient insurance, for her to keep her children healthy still sends those children to school, where they spread diseases that univeral health care could have stopped.
I am currently volunteering in Portugal, the poorest country in western Europe. It still manages to provide basic health care for all of itscitizens. This doesn't mean that there aren't private doctors and hospitals as well, for those with their own funds-- but it does mean that the overall health of the nation's population is better, and thus so is its productivity. In these difficult financial times, we cannot afford NOT to provide basic health care for every man, woman and child in America.
Canon Francis C. Zanger

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